Healers are required to adhere to the following Code of Practice
- 1. The Erasmus Foundation trains its healers by requiring that they spend time studying the tutorial lectures and seminars that have been given over the many years by Paddina Cole, who was a deep trance medium, to the effect of developing themselves spiritually so that they then may come into balance in a way that then strengthens their ability to channel healing to the strongest degree.
- 2. It requires that all healers are gracious first and foremost, respecting all, no matter their race, colour, creed or beliefs. Each healer is required to ask what is the nature of the malaise and then apply their hands upon that person in a manner which fits the condition, having first explained a little of how they wish to proceed, asking, because it is gracious to do so, if they may place their hands upon that person.
- 3. No healer at any time should perform laying of the hands without another present.
- 4. All healing is to be given both for animals in distress as well as people on request at any time, refusing no-one, and in the case of any animal suffering, the animal should be dispatched humanely when necessary, by a vet, with the concern for that creature and for the creature's owner.
- 5. All healing is given in the name of The Erasmus Foundation with the understanding that no cure is ever promised and may be explained that healing is given subject to the decree of The Great Mind (God).
Copyright 1982 The Erasmus Foundation.
The Erasmus Foundation, Moat House, Banyards Green, Laxfield, Suffolk. IP13 8ER. Tel: 01986 798682.
Registered charity no.281458