Oak tree with sunrise

Friday Evening Spiritual Development Classes

Our Friday spiritual tutorial lectures start promptly at 7.30pm as Zoom meetings and usually finish at 9.00pm. All are welcome and if you would like more information please contact us. There are always opportunities to ask questions with advice from our spiritual tutors. The cost per person is £5.

Meeting dates for 2024.

30th August:Spiritual Development Class“Analysis of the Human Frame” comparison with the spiritual form.

6th September:Spiritual Development Class“Gaining Confidence” understanding the cause of inadequacy.

13th September:Spiritual Development Class“Finding the Responsibility in Life” how sloth can control people's weaknesses.

20th September:Spiritual Development Class“How Greed is Damaging the World.”

27th September:Spiritual Development Class“Revising the Use of Bamboo” how old technologies are surfacing again.

4th October:Spiritual Development Class“Moving Forward into the Seas” so much is to be discovered that is hidden within the sea.

11th October:Spiritual Development Class“The Causes of Disease and Cures for the Future”

18th October:Spiritual Development Class“Is Humankind Ready for Drought?” Are people learning to grow their own food? Future use of greenhouses and their importance.

25th October:Spiritual Development Class“Surfacing One's Spirit” getting to know your true self, understanding the mind and the brain.

1st November:Spiritual Development Class“Understanding how Evil works” the new face of evil and how it is affecting people behind its mask.

8th November:Spiritual Development Class“What is happening in our schools?” Discussing the crisis in education.

15th November:Spiritual Development Class“A Wishing Well” discussing the importance of water and how it can be kept clean.

22nd November:Spiritual Development Class“Lord Ult: Man's Inheritance” to reveal much about the past which explains the structure of humankind.

29th November:Spiritual Development Class“Lord Ult: Aliens – do they exist?”

6th December:Spiritual Development Class“Erasmus: Finding Peace.”

13th December:Spiritual Development Class“Does Christmas have any real purpose?”What is the meaning of Christmas and does it have any value?