Oak tree with sunrise

Friday Evening Spiritual Development Classes

Our Friday spiritual tutorial lectures start promptly at 7.30pm as Zoom meetings and usually finish at 9.00pm. All are welcome and if you would like more information please contact us. There are always opportunities to ask questions with advice from our spiritual tutors. The cost per person is £5.

Meeting dates for 2025.

31st January:Spiritual Development Class“Hunger and Want”

7th February:Spiritual Development Class“A Ladder to the Stars”adopting more spiritual awareness

14th February:Spiritual Development Class“Friday Night Fever”dancing to another tune and adapting to change

21st February:Spiritual Development Class“Beyond All Hope”learning to accept all that is

28th February:Spiritual Development Class“A Change in Authority”the Great Mind rules

7th March:Spiritual Development Class“ The Day the World Stood Still”coming to deal with crisis

14th March:Spiritual Development Class“ A Change of Clothing”digging for victory

21st March:Spiritual Development Class“A Moment in Time”how a single event can change the World dramatically

28th March:Spiritual Development Class“From Here to Eternity”the future of your World

4th April:Spiritual Development Class“Marching Forward in Strength”building up a reservoir of resources with determination

11th April:Spiritual Development Class“Planes, Trains, Cars and Buses”travel for the future

18th April NO MEETING TONIGHT – Easter Weekend

25th April:Spiritual Development Class“Needle and Thread”homespun wools, knitting and repairing

2nd May:Spiritual Development Class“Growing Your Own”preparing seeds, warming the earth

9th May:Spiritual Development Class“A Day's Work”learning to pace yourself and plan your day

16th May:Spiritual Development Class“A Guide to Spirit;”preparing for the future; how one is to go forward with teaching

23rd May:Spiritual Development Class“Communicating Abroad”preparing for future connections

30th May:Spiritual Development Class“A Summer Cruise”advice for those not to consider holidays but more practical needs

6th June:Spiritual Development Class“Clowning Around”a time for more serious contemplation

13th June:Spiritual Development Class“Disease Prevention”health and safety in the home

20th June:Spiritual Development Class“Climate Change”things are warming up

27th June:Spiritual Development Class“New Teachers will be needed”a further discussion on education